
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship


The Office for Undergraduate Research (OUR) awarded Luma Essaid (BSPH ’14) a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) for research in the Makowski Lab. Luma was also awarded a $2,000 Scholarship through UNC Health Care’s Volunteer Association! Congrats Luma!

Luma Essaid wins the 2014 Gillings Poster Award


Luma Essaid (BSPH undergrad ’15) of the Makowski Lab won the 2014 Gillings Poster Award as part of the Experience Gillings 2014 event for her poster entitled “Weight loss prevents obesity-associated basal-like breast cancer progression: Role of hepatocyte growth factor/C-Met.” Congratulations Luma!

AACR-Susan G. Komen Scholar in Training award


Sneha Sundaram, post doctoral fellow of the Makowski Lab, was awarded the AACR-Susan G. Komen Scholar in Training award for $1500 to attend AACR in San Diego in 2014.

Megan Huang recipient of an honors thesis award.


Congratulations to Megan Huang, BSPH student in Makowski lab, for the receipt of an honors thesis award for $500 to fund research on her project “The Role of Macrophage Substrate Metabolism on Obesity-Induced Inflammation

Dr. Makowski awarded grant to address how obesity affects cancer risk.


Dr. Liza Makowski (Nutrition) received a grant to address NCI provocative question PQA2 “how does obesity affect cancer risk”.  The title is Reversing Carcinogenic Effect of Obesity on Basal-like Breast Cancer. It is a 2 year grant for $352,000. Link HERE

Nutrition Department Star Heel Award


Dr. Alex Freemerman, Research Associate in the Makowski Lab, was awarded the Nutrition Department Star Heel Award for his excellent service.

American Heart Association Beginning Grant-in-Aid


Liza Makowski, assistant professor of Nutrition, received an American Heart Association Beginning Grant-in-Aid entitled “The Role of Macrophage Substrate Metabolism in Atherosclerosis.”  The grant will fund two years of research for a total of $77,000 per year.

McAllister Heart Institute Grant


Dr. Liza Makowski, assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition, received a research grant from the McAllister Heart Institute – UNC Cardiology grant program for a $20,000 grant to pursue a project examining the role of Mφ substrate metabolism in the promotion of inflammation and atherogenesis.

The Mary Kay Foundation Grant


Dr. Liza Makowski, assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition, received a research grant from The Mary Kay Foundation 2013 for $100,000 over two years to study obesity and basal-like breast cancer.

Sabin Family Travel Grant


Yuanyuan Qin, doctoral graduate student in the Makowski lab was awarded a $1,000 Sabin Family Travel Grant from the UNC McAllister Heart Institute to attend the 2013 FASEB-ASN meeting where she was invited to orally present her project on lipid metabolism in macrophages.